Friday, 23 August 2013

Renewed motivation.

So as you may or may not have noticed I have not blogged in over a week. I haven't really dieted or exercised in the past week either. I have put on weight and it's a bit crap. But... I turned 23!

22 wasn't the greatest year of my life, and I'm sure there's lots of things about it I could have done better. But overall I feel it was pretty much a success. I started running and ran a 5k which is pretty impressive. I think I did pretty well at spending a lot of time with the people that are important. Overall though I think I did grow up quite a lot over the past year. I think I've become more confident and a more easily social person, I think I've achieved a lot, and I feel like I'm finding my feet. 

I am feeling so good about being 23. I am going to achieve a lot and it's going to be a great year.

I have decided, I am going to lose a stone and a half before I turn 24. Note the "I am going to" not the "I want to". 

I could lose more weight than that, I could lose less weight than that. But I think that will be my happy weight. It's about the weight I was when I met my boyfriend, and it's about half a stone less than my lowest weight since I started my blog. 

It's an achievable goal in a year. I could lose half a pound a week and stay the same for a few of those and still do it, even have a few gains over e.g. Christmas. It's not a speedy weight loss, it's not a rush, it's not a race.

And I am going to stick with my blog title and do this "the lazy way". There's no point trying to work out every day for 3 weeks consecutively, there's no point going four days eating nothing but apples and chia seeds, as I swear every time I do something like this I just end up weighing more two weeks later than when I started.

I am going crawling back to Weight Watchers. I have a long and complex relationship with Weight Watchers as we know - I actually haven't stopped paying for it THIS WHOLE TIME but I haven't followed it for more than a week at once since at least February, probably longer to be honest. Weight Watchers is a good choice for me because the weekly points give me that flexibility; essentially it gives me the following options:
  • Have a totally saintly week and then be allowed to basically LITERALLY EAT WHATEVER I WANT on one day
  • Be saintly all week... and then have a weekend where I pretty much can have what I fancy, as long as I track it and don't go too insane
  • Be saintly some days and be a bit crap on others but don't have any major blowouts
  • Just be average all week

Over the course of a year I will of course come off plan at certain points - life's too short to be on a diet at Christmas or when you've spent a huge chunk of money to go on holiday, but equally, life's too short to spend your life tunnelling fat into your arteries as well isn't it?

Across September I firmly have NO reason to go off plan whatsoever as this is going to be a very typical and 'routine' month for me with no special occasions or time off (again, except for the fact I'm casually moving house - but I can't see why this would affect what I eat.) So throughout the whole of September I am going to track everything and follow Weight Watchers. That doesn't mean I can't have fun on the weekend or go to Nando's - I just need to use my weekly points! Last year I went through pretty much all of the autumn religiously on Weight Watchers and had no problems, so I don't see why this year should be any different. We are talking FASCIST approach to Weight Watchers hear - weigh everything, if you can't track it don't eat it, etc. I feel like Weight Watchers is good for me as it helps me develop a positive relationship with food - the only time I have ever got anywhere near approaching 5 a day is when I have followed Weight Watchers. 

So on Sunday I'm going on holiday for a week, and I'm not going to track when I'm on holiday. But I return on a Sunday afternoon with just enough time to plan obsessively for a full week on Weight Watchers starting Monday 2nd September. No excuses. Let's do this.

And as for exercise - I am going to carry on with my love of running. I want to run a 10k at some point when I am 23 - I am eyeing up the BUPA 10,000 (and not just because it's in May so is ages away, honest). However, I am not going to track activity points on Weight Watchers. In fact, I am going to try my best to think of running as an entirely separate thing, and not even related to losing weight, as I am a bit guilty of "I've been for a run so can eat WHATEVER I WANT" syndrome. Running isn't about weight loss for me, it's about achievement of goals and about freedom, so I'm going to think of it separately. However no worries, I will continue to blog about running! 

It sounds mental but I am really feeling good about this as I feel like I am finding myself, knowing who I am and knowing where I am going. And now I KNOW this is what I want. I feel like this time I could work. I feel like I am doing this for new reasons and with a new approach.

So thanks for reading and I will be back in touch in September. And hopefully this time in a year I'll be writing a success story. x 

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