Wednesday, 7 August 2013


Well all I've posted about recently is exercise so I thought I'd jump in and join in on What I Ate Wednesday so I could comment a little on food.
I've known subconsciously for a while my diet has not been great and has been a bit unbalanced. Writing this post has helped me to realise how bad this has gotten and how badly I need a shake-up... But anyhow here we go.

7.45am - breakfast
Golden Syrup Oat So Simple sachet, quarter pint of skimmed milk, topped up with boiling water

Cup of coffee with skimmed milk 

I am doing shorter hours at work at the moment so don't have to get up quite so early. Even so I don't think I've been getting enough sleep as I'm so tired in the mornings. 
This is the first day I've had porridge in ages as usually I've had yogurts for a few weeks.


Small skinny latte with sugar free caramel 

I was still so tired so grabbed more caffeine and sugar to fuel me as I started work.


Warburton sandwich thin

Weight Watchers Jaffa cake bar

I was STARVING by this point which was great as I'd made myself the world's smallest sandwich. After I ate this I was already hungry an hour later.

4.15pm - pre run snack 

130g Natural yogurt
30g Trail mix
Teaspoon of honey

I wanted a decent snack before my run as I was starving and it's not a good idea for me to run on an empty stomach (as I have learnt time and time again). This was nice (and actually healthy!). I might start having it for breakfast.

4.30pm- run
2.25 miles today. It didn't go terribly but I'd be lying if I said it was easy so I'm going to repeat this distance next time.

6.30pm - dinner

1/4 chicken
Chips with peri peri salt
Side salad
Halloumi cheese

Toffee ice cream

As you can see dinner was a veritable feast at Nando's. My second Nando's in as many days. God.


So what have I learnt from today?

1. I don't eat anywhere NEAR as much fruit and veg as I should be. Back when I was on Weight Watchers I'd always get my 5 a day but now I've barely had 1.
2. I am not managing my food well enough and am hungry at all the wrong times leading to over-eating at other times.
3. Running makes me hungry.
4. Ridiculously small sandwiches with unhealthy fillings do not a good lunch make.

Food for thought eh? Let's hope for a better WIAW next week!


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